Special type Packing Machine
适用于各种散装物体的小袋包装,如:膨化食品,果冻,锅巴,糖果, 开心果,水饺,汤圆,朱古力,宠物食品,小件五金,药材等。以上部分机 器可手工投料完成包装,也可与不同的计量装置配套即可完成计量,配套相应 的下料系统后,可包装颗粒,液体,粉末,酱体等。送料,充填制袋,日期 打印,充气(排气),成品输出的全部包装过程
It is suitable for packing loose materials, such as puffy food, crispy rice, jelly, candy, nut, apple piece, dumpling, chocolate, food for pets, small metal hardware, medicine, etc. some of these machines can be feed by hand, and also can feed material together with automatic weigher. It can also package granule, liquid, powder, paste, etc. after assembling with relevant devise, material sending, filling, printing, air filling (expelling), product output can be controlled automatically.
封口形式/Sealing type
It can automatically perform packs bound on three sides, four sides, or pillow.
选配装置/ Option
Hot stamp ribbon coder, volumetric cup, measure pump, screw feeder, multi-head weigher
•我公司依托设计优势和多年的设备开发经验,可以按客户特殊要求设计制作各种特殊的 包装设备。
* We rely on the design strengths and years of experience in packaging equipment development, we can design and manufacture according to fulfill our customer demand with all sorts of special packaging equipment.